Hacker: Microsoft Windows sangat sulit untuk diserang
Asian Security Review baru-baru ini mempublikasikan sebuah interview dengan seorang professional hacker. Bagian yang menarik adalah ketika membicarakan mengenai OS hacking: Windows sangat sulit di hack, tapi karena banyak orang yg menggunakannya, maka hacker cenderung akan mencoba meng-hack Windows. Di sisi lain, Apple OS X sangat mudah di hack, tapi karena sangat sedikit orang yg menggunakan, sama seperti Linux, hacker cenderung tidak memperhatikannya.
Artikel serupa yang menunjukkan kinerja keamanan Windows juga bisa ditemukan dalam 2 artikel dari eWeek: Vista is Secure dan Vista more secure than Linux, Mac OS X.
Beberapa kutipan menarik dari interview tersebut (penekanan dengan garis bawah dan bold dari saya):
Q: What’s hot in the hacker community right now?
The next big thing will be attacking the Apple OS X because it is so easy. And attacking Microsoft Vista, because it is so hard. The bad guys are going after money and most people run Windows. So most attacks are against Windows because that’s where the money is. The bad guys aren‘t attacking Apple yet, simply because there are not enough people using Apple operating systems. If Apple was on as many computers as Windows, hackers would have a field day. Apple’s underlying operating system security is very, very poor. It is about ten years behind everyone else’s.
Q: Which operating systems do you rate highly?
I don’t have an OS preference. I really like Apple, but it is not secure. Linux has a lot of good technology to prevent hacks, but fewer people use it compared to Microsoft—much like Apple. Windows Vista is pretty tough to break into, but all OS have problems.